Which Poker Hands Win in Poker Hand Rankings? - PokerHigh

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Which Poker Hands Win in Poker Hand Rankings?

A global poker-hand rankings system incorporates all varieties of the game, rating the relative strength of various sorts of poker hands chances of winning so that players can select the best hand.

It’s employed in popular poker games like Texas Holdem and Omaha, as well as poker-based casino games like 3-card poker. If you’re serious about winning, you’ll need to know it.

Poker Hands Ranked – What Beats What?

This comprehensive list ranks all of the potential hands in order of strength, from strongest to weakest. We’ll start with the finest poker hands chances of winning and describe what they look like and how they compare to other hands.

Royal Flush

The royal flush is a poker hand that sits at the very top of the poker ladder. A form of straight flush with A-K-Q-J-10 — all in the same suit – is the strongest poker hands chances of winning of all.

What does Royal Flush beat?

A royal flush, as the highest poker hands chances of winning, defeats any other hand your opponents might have.

How Does a Royal Flush Hand Rank?

There are just four conceivable royal flush combinations in a 52-card deck, and they are all ranked equally. The following are the four-flush combinations:

How Does a Straight Hand Match Up?

The royal flush is known as the stone-cold nuts because it can never be beaten. Two players can’t make a Royal flush at the same time in poker tournaments. As a result, the hand will never be able to chop the pot.

Straight Flush

A straight flush is five cards in a row that are all of the same suits. For instance, the numbers 9-8-7-6-5 are all in diamonds.

The Straight Flush is the highest-ranking poker hands chances of winning, consisting of five straight cards of the same suit.

The Royal Flush is the best straight flush imaginable, consisting of A-K-Q-J-10 in the same suit:

What does a straight flush beat?

Except for a higher straight flush, this beats all other poker hands chances of winning.

How Does a Straight Flush Hand Rank?

There are 40 different straight flush hand combinations in a 52-card deck. As previously said, this poker hand is at the very top of the hand ranking list. In most poker online games, it beats all other hands.

The ace-high flush is known as the Steel Wheel in some games, such as 2 to 7 Low.


In poker, a four of a kind is simply four cards with the same value. So, if your five-card hand ends up with 7-7-7-7-4, congratulations, you’ve got ‘quads’!

Four-of-a-Kind is the second most common poker hands chances of winning, consisting of four cards with the same rank.

Four Aces makeup the best 4-of-a-Kind hand:

The rank or denomination is the most essential factor in this hand rating. for example, is a Four-of-a-Kind hand that trumps any lower-ranking poker hands chances of winning, such as 4-of-a-Kind Tens, Nines, and so on.

A few more instances of this style of hand are as follows:

What does four-of-a-kind beat?

It is frequently a winning poker hand, beating all save a straight or royal flush. If another player has a four-of-a-kind, the rank of the four cards determines the winner. J-J-J-J-4, for example, is a beat. A-7-7-7-7.

How Does a 4-of-a-Kind Hand Rank?

There are 624 different 4-of-a-Kind hand combinations and 156 different ranks of 4-of-a-Kind in a 52-card deck. Because poker hands chances of winning are made up of five cards, the kicker is used.

For example, poker hands chances of winning would rank higher

Even though the Quad Queens have an ace kicker and the Quad Kings have a two kicker, hand ranks higher than

It’s vital to remember that rank/denomination is the most important factor in this hand rating. Quad Kings will always beat Quad Queens, and four-of-a-kind Aces will always bear four-of-a-kind Kings, and so forth.

How Does a 4-of-a-Kind Hand Match Up?

In the poker hands chances of winning system, four-of-a-kind is the second-best potential hand. It is only surpassed by a Straight Flush. As a result, in Hold’em, this is a highly strong hand that is rarely beaten on the river.

Nonetheless, numerous hands are still ranked behind it. A Full House is the second greatest hand on the list.

Aces full of Kings is the finest Full House. When all the suits are regarded equal, the ranks determine which one is the better in Full Houses.

Full House

A full house poker hands chances of winning is made up of three of a kind that is all the same value, plus a pair of different values. For instance, 10-10-10-8-8 is known as a ‘teens full of eights’ number.

On the list of poker hand rankings, Full House is ranked third. It consists of three identically ranked cards paired with two identically ranked cards.

It’s not as easy to figure out what a Full House symbolizes just by looking at its name. It’s actually made up of three identical cards paired with two identical cards. To put it another way, it’s a Three-of-a-Kind hand with a Pair.

The best Full House hand is Aces full of Kings:

The rank or denomination is the most essential factor in this hand rating. Aces full of Kings, for example, is a Full House hand that beats any of the lower-ranking Houses, such as Aces full of Jacks, Kings full of Aces, and so on.

A few more instances of this style of hand are as follows:

Does a full house beat a straight?

A full house does indeed beat a poker straight. Four-of-a-kind, straight flush, or royal flush are the only hands that can beat a full house. The highest three of a type wins when two people have a full house. If the rank is the same, the hand is won by the person who has the highest matching pair.

How Does a Full House Hand Match Up?

In the poker hand ranking system, a Full House is the third-best possible hand. It is only surpassed by a Straight Flush and a 4-of-a-Kind. In Hold’em, this makes it a highly strong hand that is rarely beaten on the river.

Nonetheless, numerous hands are still ranked behind it. The Flush is the next greatest hand on the list.

The ace-high flush is the best flush. Even though all the suits are equal in Flushes, the ratings determine which one is the greatest.


In poker, a flush is made up of five cards that are all from the same suit but not in the same order, for as A-K-8-7-3 in hearts.

A Flush consists of five cards of the same suit. It ranks fourth in the poker hand rankings, just behind a complete house. AJ752 is an ace-high flush in hearts.

Even if the word flush doesn’t immediately conjure up images of five cards in the same suit, it’s still a simple hand to recognize. In Texas Holdem, a flush is a relatively strong hand, with the greatest conceivable flush being an ace-high flush with all five cards in the same suit.

The best possible Flush is an ace-high Flush:

The outfits don’t matter when it comes to flushes. However, not all ace-high flushes are ranked the same. It’s the hand rank or denomination that matters when comparing one ace-high flush to the next.

Does a flush beat a full house?

A flush won’t beat a full house, but it will beat a straight. In a match between two flushes, the hand with the highest card in the flush wins (e.g.

A-10-7-4-3 of diamonds beats K-10-7-4-3 of diamonds).

How Does a Flush Hand Rank?

There are 5,108 different Flush hand combinations and 1,277 different Flushes ranks in a 52-card deck. The highest card in each flush is listed first, followed by the second-highest card, and so on.

Here are a couple of examples of flushes:

Can you tell which Flush ranks the best?

Keep in mind that the highest straight card determines the Flush’s ranking, not the suit. If more than one person has a Flush, the player with the highest straight is declared the winner. A King-high Flush in any suit, for example, beats a Queen-high Flush in any suit, and so on.


You’ll have a straight if you have five cards in a row that isn’t all of the same suits. For instance, 8-7-6-5-4 in several suits. A-K-Q-J-10 is the

highest possible straight sequence.

The Straight is the fifth highest-ranked poker hand, consisting of five consecutive or sequential cards.

Straight should immediately make you think of a hand with five cards in a row, which makes it a fairly straightforward hand to recognize.

When it comes to Straights, suits don’t matter. However, not all straights are ranked the same.

What does straight beat?

A poker straight always beats a three-of-a-kind, two-pair, or one-pair hand. A flush or better is unbeatable.

How Does a Straight Hand Rank?

There are 10,200 possible Straight hand combinations and 10 separate ranks of Straights in a 52-card deck. The highest card in each Straight is listed first, followed by the second-highest card, and so on.

Here are some examples of Straights:

The highest straight card, not the suit, determines the best Straights. A Queen-high Straight, for example, trumps a Jack-high Straight – regardless of suit.


A three of a kind, like its four-card cousin, is made up of three cards of the same rank — for example, your five-card hand comprises 8-8-8-5-2.

Three-of-a-Kind is the sixth most valuable poker hand. It is made up of three identical cards of the same rank or denomination.

The words “Three of a Kind” should immediately make you think of a hand made up of three cards, which is why it’s such an easy hand to recognize.

However, it can get a bit difficult when it comes to distinguishing between a Set and Trips, which are both sorts of 3-of-a-Kind hands.

Let’s start with a definition of a Set and then move on to what is often referred to as Trips:

When you have a pair in your hand, such as and if it matches another on the board, you have a set.

When there is a pair on the board, such as and if you have another in your opening hand, a trip occurs.

A few examples of 3-of-a-Kind hands are as follows:

It’s the hand rank or denomination that matters when comparing one 3-of-a-Kind hand to the next. In that sense, 3 Aces, whether it’s a Set of Aces or Trip Aces, is the best 3-of-a-Kind hand.

What does 3-of-a-kind beat?

While three-of-a-kind isn’t the best poker hand, it still beats two pairs, one pair, and a high card.

How Does a 3-of-a-Kind Hand Rank?

In a 52-card deck poker hands chances of winning, there are 54,912 different 3-of-a-Kind hand combinations and 858 distinct ranks of 3-of-a-Kind hands. Each Three-of-a-Kind is graded on the basis of three cards of the same rank, the first kicker’s rating, and lastly the second kicker’s rating.

Here are some more 3-of-a-Kind hand examples:

Two Pair

Two pair is exactly what it sounds like — two pairs, each of which represents a distinct rank. Two pairs, for example, would be 8-8-5-5-3.

On the poker hand rankings list, Two Pair is ranked sixth. It consists of one pair of identically ranked cards and a second pair of identically ranked cards. A Two Pair hand is one of the most common winning hands in Hold’em.

The phrase “two pair” should quickly conjure up images of two cards of the same denomination or rank. Simply explained, it’s two pairs of cards with the same rank.

If you have 1010 and the board is 553, you will have Two Pairs, Tens, and Fives.

What do two pairs beat?

Because two pairs are better than one, you’ll easily defeat one pair.

How Does a Two-Pair Hand Rank?

There are 123,552 different Two Pair hand combinations and 858 distinct ranks of Two Pair hands in a 52-card deck. The highest pair of each Two Pair is poker hands chances of winning first, followed by the second-highest pair, and finally the kicker.

Here are a couple more Two Pair examples:

One Pair

Two cards of the same value, such as two kings in your hand, make up a pair.

One Pair is ranked eighth in the list of poker hand rankings. It consists of only two cards of equal value, such as J-J or 10-10.

The term “one pair” should immediately conjure up images of a single pair of coins of the same denomination or rank. Simply explained, it’s a pair of cards with the same rank.

If you have 10?10?, for example, you will have One Pair of Tens. There are, however, various kinds of One Pair.

What does one pair beat?

Only a high card or a low card pair can be defeated by a single pair. It could, however, be a winning poker hand if you bluff hard enough.

How Does a One-Pair Hand Rank?

There are 1,098,240 different One Pair hand combinations and 2,860 distinct ranks of One Pair hands in a 52-card deck. Each One Pair’s pair is ranked first, followed by its highest-ranked kicker, and so on.

Here are a few more One Pair poker hands chances of winning examples:

High Card

The lowest possible hand is the high card, which is made up of five cards that do not produce any of the above.

On the poker hand rankings list, High Card is the lowest conceivable hand. It consists just of a high card, with no pair or other hand types.

The phrase “High Card” should immediately conjure up images of a hand containing the highest card. In Texas Hold’em, however, this is the lowest possible hand.

Instead of no pair, starting hands like on a board of are referred to as “King High.”

Even if you don’t have a pair, ranking these hands is necessary for the system to function. A king-high hand would effectively defeat a queen-high hand. The king-high beats the jack-high, and so on.

You can “play the board” just like in any other Hold’em game. Let’s say the board comes down at You’re holding Using all of the cards on the board, your hand would be termed Ace-High.

When comparing one High Card hand to another, the hand rank or denomination is crucial. As a result, the best High Card hand is Ace-High, followed by King-High, Queen-High, and so forth.

What does a high card beat?

If you get a high card, you must pray that your opponents do as well, because even a pair can beat it. When both of your opponents are missing a pair,

the card with the highest value wins.

How Does a High Card Hand Rank?

There are 1,302,540 different High Card hand combinations and 1,277 distinct ranks of High Card hands in a 52-card deck. The top card on each High Card is listed first, followed by the highest-ranked kicker, and so on.

Here are a few more examples of High Card hands:

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